The perfect egg sandwich starts with fresh eggs from backyard chickens.

There are probably as many ways to make an egg sandwich as there are people who make them. But in my opinion, there is only one way to make the perfect egg sandwich.

I've come to this conclusion after making countless egg sandwiches over the past decade that we've been raising chickens (funny, but I rarely had the craving for an egg sandwich before we got chickens...)

Anyway, I've made them on all different kinds of bread, on toast, on English muffins, and even on bagels.

But in the end, I stumbled upon this concept quite innocently, really. It's a mashup of two simple recipes.

My normal breakfast is just coffee - and if I'm really starving, maybe a few mouthfuls of whatever leftovers I can find in the refrigerator.

But usually just a cup... or two... of coffee.

Then, a couple of hours later, after I've fed the chickens, checked my email, gotten dressed (sometimes in that order, sometimes not!), I decide it's time to eat a proper meal.

One day I couldn't decide if I wanted a grilled cheese sandwich or an egg sandwich. I had some wonderful cheeses in the fridge, so even after I realized I couldn't make up my mind whether I wanted a cheese sandwich or an egg sandwich, I couldn't decide what kind of cheese to use.

So, in the end I made an egg sandwich with TWO different kinds of cheese, and then grilled it. And voila. The best ever grilled cheese egg sandwich.

And here's the recipe.

(scroll down for the printable recipe card)

The Perfect Grilled Cheese Egg Sandwich

Makes one sandwich.

2 slices of any type of bread that you prefer
2 slices of any type cheese that you prefer - two different kinds is the bomb!
2 fresh eggs

Fry two eggs in a bit of butter in a skillet over low heat to your liking and season with salt and pepper. Then stack the eggs one on top of the other to the side in the skillet and add another pat of butter to the skillet.

Place the two slices of bread in the skillet, top each with a slice of cheese, then add a fried egg.

Cook on low heat until the cheese melts and and bread is golden brown. Then flip one bread/cheese/egg slice onto the other, remove from the skillet, and cut the sandwich in half.

On homemade rustic bread is the BEST!

©2012 Fresh Eggs Daily updated 2024 for Coop to Kitchen by cookbook author and certified Le Cordon Bleu recipe developer Lisa Steele. All rights reserved.