Make homemade soda using wild violets from your yard.

The arrival of spring is made even sweeter with the emergence of delicate purple violets in our garden and yard.
Violets are not only pretty, they are also edible. They contain Vitamin C and can help promote restful sleep, cure headaches, and stop coughs. They make beautiful dessert garnishes and additions to salads.

And they also make a delicious soda. My recipe for an easy, refreshing violet soda is far healthier than store bought soda, since you can control the amount of syrup you use in each glass. I found this  syrup recipe made about 8 glasses of soda. It's the ultimate refreshing warm weather drink.

Scroll down for the printable recipe card.

Homemade Violet Soda

1 Cup fresh picked violets
1 Cup boiling water
1 Cup sugar (you can substitute honey or the sugar substitute of your choice)
Club soda

Pour boiling water over your violets in a bowl and let sit covered in plastic wrap overnight on the counter.

The next morning, strain the liquid into a small saucepan, pressing down with a rubber spatula to release all the liquid, and discard the violets.

Add the sugar and bring to a boil, whisking until the sugar dissolves.  Remove from heat and let cool.

Pour your syrup into sterilized mason jars and refrigerate until chilled. 

When your syrup is chilled, spoon 1-2 Tablespoons of syrup into a glass (moisten the rim of the glass and dip it in sugar for a fancy touch) and then fill with club soda, add more syrup to taste if necessary.

I decided to freeze a few extra violets into ice cubes for an even fancier presentation.

©2013 Fresh Eggs Daily updated 2024 for Coop to Kitchen by cookbook author and certified Le Cordon Bleu recipe developer Lisa Steele. All rights reserved.