Learn how to brew herbal sun tea! It couldn't be easier on a warm, sunny summer day.

Staying hydrated is so important in the summer, especially if you spend lots of time outdoors sweating, but plain water gets boring and store bought soft drinks and other beverages are full of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients and can be expensive.

Why not brew your own tea this summer using herbs and edible flowers? It couldn't be easier!

Fresh Brewed Herbal Sun Tea

My favorite tea blend right now is chocolate mint & vanilla bean with honey, but the combinations you can create are endless!  

You can even make individual mason jars full of sun tea, each tailored to a specific family member's taste!

I fill my jars about a quarter full with herbs/add-ins then fill to the top with water.

Glass bottle or pitcher or pint masons jars
Handful of fresh herbs or edible flowers, rinsed and picked through for bugs

Optional add-ins

  • Honey, simple syrup or other sweetener of choice
  • Slices or peels of lemon, lime or orange
  • Fresh berries, melon balls or cucumber slices
  • Cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods, ginger slices, peppercorns, star anise or vanilla beans

Add a generous handful of clean fresh herbs or edible flowers (and citrus, berries, sweetener, etc. if desired) to your jar. 

Fill to the top with water to completely cover the herbs. Cover, shake to mix well and set in the sun - even a sunny windowsill works - for 5 to 6 hours.

When your tea has achieved the desired color, strain out the solids (your chickens will love them!), pour the liquid into a pitcher and chill. 

Your tea will last for several days in the refrigerator. You can also brew the same herbs for your chickens for a nutritious, refreshing drink on a hot summer day. Just leave out the citrus slices and sweetener for their tea. 

If you're in a hurry, you can also brew herbal tea right in your coffee maker, but for a true "summer experience", you've got to use the sun!  

Good Herb Choices for Herbal Sweet Tea

  • Anise Hyssop 
  •  Bee Balm 
  •  Calendula 
  •  Chamomile
  • Echinacea 
  •  Lavender 
  •  Lemon Balm 
  •  Lemongrass 
  •  Lemon Verbena
  • Mint 
  •  Nasturtium 
  •  Pineapple Sage 
  •  Rose Petals 
  •  Sunflowers 
  •  Violet

If You're Feeling a Bit More Adventurous ... Why not try Some of these Savory Herbal  Flavors

  • Basil 
  •  Chive 
  •  Dill 
  •  Fennel 
  •  Oregano 
  •  Parsley
  • Rosemary 
  •  Sage 
  •  Tarragon 
  •  Thyme

For a list of some of the most common culinary herbs and their health benefits, click HERE.

Feel free to mix and match from these lists to create your own 'signature' herbal tea blend. So brew yourself some refreshing, nutritious herbal tea this summer. 

©2014 by Fresh Eggs Daily, Inc. and updated in 2024 by Coop to Kitchen. All rights reserved.